Empirical Resilience Evaluation of an Architecture-based Self-Adaptive Software System
Javier Cámara, Pedro Correia, Rogério de Lemos and Marco Vieira.
In Tenth International ACM Sigsoft Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures, Lille, France, 30 June - 3 July 2014. ACM SIGSOFT QoSA Distinguished Paper Award.
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Architecture-based self-adaptation is considered as a promising approach to drive down the development and opera-
tion costs of complex software systems operating in ever
changing environments. However, there is still a lack of
evidence supporting the arguments for the beneficial impact of architecture-based self-adaptation on resilience with
respect to other customary approaches, such as embedded
code-based adaptation. In this paper, we report on an empirical study about the impact on resilience of incorporating
architecture-based self-adaptation in an industrial middleware used to collect data in highly populated networks of
devices. To this end, we compare the results of resilience
evaluation between the original version of the middleware,
in which adaptation mechanisms are embedded at the code-
level, and a modified version of that middleware in which the
adaptation mechanisms are implemented using Rainbow, a
framework for architecture-based self-adaptation. Our results show improved levels of resilience in architecture-based
compared to embedded code-based self-adaptation. |
Keywords: Assurance, Landmark, Rainbow, Self-adaptation.