Augmenting Architectural Modeling to Cope with Uncertainty
Orieta Celiku,
David Garlan and
Bradley Schmerl.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Living with Uncertainties (IWLU'07), co-located with the 22nd International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'07), Atlanta, GA, USA, 5 November 2007. <a href=></a>.
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Notations and techniques for architectural modeling and analysis have matured considerably over the past two decades. However, to date these approaches have primarily focused on architectural properties and behavior that can be precisely defined. In this paper we argue that it is possible to augment existing architecture description languages (ADLs) to support reasoning and analysis in the presence of uncertainty. Specifically, we outline two basic extensions to formal architecture descriptions that take advantage of probabilistic specifications to support architecture-based analyses such as simulation, detection of behavioral drift, and reasoning about the expected outcomes of uncertain behavior. An important property of these specifications is that they allow incremental refinement � as more is known about the behavior of the system, specifications can be extended without invalidating previous analyses. |
Keywords: Acme, AcmeStudio, Architectural Analysis, Software Architecture.