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Mohammed Alharbi,
Shihong Huang and
David Garlan. A Probabilistic Model for Personality Trait Focused Explainability. In Proceedings of the 4th international Workshop on Context-aware, Autonomous and Smart Architecture (CASA 2021), co-located with the 15th European Conference on Software Architecture, Virtual (Originally Växjö Sweden), 13-17 September 2021.
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Javier Cámara, Alessandro V. Papadopoulos, Thomas Vogel, Danny Weyns,
David Garlan,
Shihong Huang and Kenji Tei. Towards Bridging the Gap between Control and Self-Adaptive System Properties. In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-managing Systems (SEAMS), 29 June - 3 July 2020. Talk.