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Error-Driven Uncertainty Aware Training

Pedro Mendes, Paolo Romano and David Garlan.

In 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 19-24 October 2024. To appear.

Online links: PDF

Neural networks are often overconfident about their pre- dictions, which undermines their reliability and trustworthiness. In this work, we present a novel technique, named Error-Driven Un- certainty Aware Training (EUAT), which aims to enhance the ability of neural models to estimate their uncertainty correctly, namely to be highly uncertain when they output inaccurate predictions and low uncertain when their output is accurate. The EUAT approach oper- ates during the model’s training phase by selectively employing two loss functions depending on whether the training examples are cor- rectly or incorrectly predicted by the model. This allows for pursu- ing the twofold goal of i) minimizing model uncertainty for correctly predicted inputs and ii) maximizing uncertainty for mispredicted in- puts, while preserving the model’s misprediction rate. We evaluate EUAT using diverse neural models and datasets in the image recog- nition domains considering both non-adversarial and adversarial set- tings. The results show that EUAT outperforms existing approaches for uncertainty estimation (including other uncertainty-aware train- ing techniques, calibration, ensembles, and DEUP) by providing un- certainty estimates that not only have higher quality when evaluated via statistical metrics (e.g., correlation with residuals) but also when employed to build binary classifiers that decide whether the model’s output can be trusted or not and under distributional data shifts.

Keywords: Machine Learning, uncertainty.  
      AUTHOR = {Mendes, Pedro and Romano, Paolo and Garlan, David},
      TITLE = {Error-Driven Uncertainty Aware Training},
      YEAR = {2024},
      MONTH = {19-24 October},
      BOOKTITLE = {27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
      PDF = {http://acme.able.cs.cmu.edu/pubs/uploads/pdf/EUAT_ECAI.pdf},
      ABSTRACT = {Neural networks are often overconfident about their pre- dictions, which undermines their reliability and trustworthiness. In this work, we present a novel technique, named Error-Driven Un- certainty Aware Training (EUAT), which aims to enhance the ability of neural models to estimate their uncertainty correctly, namely to be highly uncertain when they output inaccurate predictions and low uncertain when their output is accurate. The EUAT approach oper- ates during the model’s training phase by selectively employing two loss functions depending on whether the training examples are cor- rectly or incorrectly predicted by the model. This allows for pursu- ing the twofold goal of i) minimizing model uncertainty for correctly predicted inputs and ii) maximizing uncertainty for mispredicted in- puts, while preserving the model’s misprediction rate. We evaluate EUAT using diverse neural models and datasets in the image recog- nition domains considering both non-adversarial and adversarial set- tings. The results show that EUAT outperforms existing approaches for uncertainty estimation (including other uncertainty-aware train- ing techniques, calibration, ensembles, and DEUP) by providing un- certainty estimates that not only have higher quality when evaluated via statistical metrics (e.g., correlation with residuals) but also when employed to build binary classifiers that decide whether the model’s output can be trusted or not and under distributional data shifts.},
      NOTE = {To appear},
      KEYWORDS = {Machine Learning, uncertainty}
    Created: 2024-07-12 14:19:04
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