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A Software Infrastructure for User-Guided Quality-of-Service Tradeoffs

João Sousa, Rajesh Krishna Balan, Vahe Poladian, David Garlan and Mahadev Satyanarayanan.

In J. Cordeiro editor, Software and Data Technologies, Vol. 47:48-61 of CCIS, Springer, 2009.

Online links: PDF

This paper presents a framework for engineering resource-adaptive software targeted at small mobile devices. Rather than building a solution from scratch, we extend and integrate existing work on software infrastructures for ubiquitous computing, and on resource-adaptive applications. This paper addresses two research questions: first, is it feasibility to coordinate resource allocation and adaptation policies among several applications in a way that is both effective and efficient. And second, can end-users understand and control such adaptive behaviors dynamically, depending on user-defined goals for each activity. The evaluation covered both the systems and the usability perspectives, the latter by means of a user study. The contributions of this work are: first, a set of design guidelines, including APIs for integrating new applications; second, a concrete infrastructure that implements the guidelines. And third, a way to model quality of service tradeoffs based on utility theory, which our research indicates end-users with diverse backgrounds are able to leverage for guiding the adaptive behaviors towards activity-specific quality goals.

Keywords: Activity-oriented Computing, Self-awareness & Adaptation, Software Architecture, Ubiquitous Computing, Usability.  
      AUTHOR = {Sousa, Jo\~{a}o and Balan, Rajesh Krishna and Poladian, Vahe and Garlan, David and Satyanarayanan, Mahadev},
      TITLE = {A Software Infrastructure for User-Guided Quality-of-Service Tradeoffs},
      YEAR = {2009},
      BOOKTITLE = {Software and Data Technologies},
      VOLUME = {47},
      PAGES = {48-61},
      EDITOR = {Cordeiro, J.},
      SERIES = {CCIS},
      PUBLISHER = {Springer},
      PDF = {http://acme.able.cs.cmu.edu/pubs/uploads/pdf/SIUGQoST.pdf},
      ABSTRACT = {This paper presents a framework for engineering resource-adaptive software targeted at small mobile devices. Rather than building a solution from scratch, we extend and integrate existing work on software infrastructures for ubiquitous computing, and on resource-adaptive applications. This paper addresses two research questions: first, is it feasibility to coordinate resource allocation and adaptation policies among several applications in a way that is both effective and efficient. And second, can end-users understand and control such adaptive behaviors dynamically, depending on user-defined goals for each activity. The evaluation covered both the systems and the usability perspectives, the latter by means of a user study. The contributions of this work are: first, a set of design guidelines, including APIs for integrating new applications; second, a concrete infrastructure that implements the guidelines. And third, a way to model quality of service tradeoffs based on utility theory, which our research indicates end-users with diverse backgrounds are able to leverage for guiding the adaptive behaviors towards activity-specific quality goals.},
      KEYWORDS = {Activity-oriented Computing, Self-awareness & Adaptation, Software Architecture, Ubiquitous Computing, Usability}
    Created: 2011-07-21 09:59:37     Modified: 2014-11-11 15:11:50
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