View Consistency in Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems
Ajinkya Y. Bhave, Bruce Krogh,
David Garlan and
Bradley Schmerl.
In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, April 2011.
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Current methods for modeling, analysis, and design
of cyber-physical systems lack a unifying framework due to the
complexity and heterogeneity of the constituent elements and
their interactions. Our approach is to define relationships between
system models at the architectural level, which captures the
structural interdependencies and some semantic interdependencies
between representations without attempting to comprehend
all of the details of any particular modeling formalism. This
paper addresses the issue of defining and evaluating consistency
between architectural views imposed by various heterogeneous
models and a base architecture (BA) for the complete system. This
notion of structural consistency ensures that the model elements
adhere to the cyber and physical types and the connections
between components present in the BA, which serves as the
unifying framework for model-based development. Consistency
checking between a model and the underlying system architecture
is formulated as a typed graph matching problem between
the connectivity graphs of the corresponding architectural view
and the system’s BA. The usefulness of the approach to check
system modeling assumptions is illustrated in the context of two
heterogeneous views of a quadrotor air vehicle. |
Keywords: Architecture View Consistency, Cyberphysical Systems.