Making Self-Adaptation an Engineering Reality
Shang-Wen Cheng,
David Garlan and
Bradley Schmerl.
In Ozlap Babaoghu, Mark Jelasity, Alberto Montroser, Christof Fetzer, Stefano Leonardi and Aad Van Moorsel editors, Proceedings of the Conference on Self-Star Properties in Complex Information Systems, Vol. 3460 of LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2005. Also available from Springer-Verlag here.
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In this paper, we envision a world where a software engineer could take an existing software system, specify, for a set of properties of interest, an objective, conditions for change, and strategies for their adaptation and, within a few man weeks, make that system self-adaptive where it was not before. We describe how our approach generalizes to different classes of systems and holds promise for cost-effective, dynamic system self-adaptation to become an engineering reality. |
Keywords: Autonomic Systems, Rainbow, Self-Repair.