Architecture-driven Modelling and Analysis
David Garlan and
Bradley Schmerl.
In Tony Cant editor, Proceedings of the 11th Australian Workshop on Safety Related Programmable Systems (SCS'06), Vol. 69 of Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2006.
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Over the past 15 years there has been increasing recognition that careful attention to the design of a system?s software architecture is critical to satisfying its requirements for quality attributes such as performance, security, and dependability. As a consequence, during this period the field of software architecture has matured significantly. However, current practices of software architecture rely on relatively informal methods, limiting the potential for fully exploiting architectural designs to gain insight and improve the quality of the resulting system. In this paper we draw from a variety of research results to illustrate how formal approaches to software architecture can lead to enhancements in software quality, including improved clarity of design, support for analysis, and assurance that implementations conform to their intended architecture. |
Keywords: Acme, AcmeStudio, Architectural Analysis, Architectural Style, Landmark, Software Architecture.