AUTHOR = {Garlan, David and Perry, Dewayne},
TITLE = {Introduction to the Special Issue on Software Architecture},
YEAR = {1995},
MONTH = {April},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
KEY = {Garlan},
VOLUME = {21},
NUMBER = {4},
PDF = {http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/able/ftp/saintro-tse95/saintro-tse95.pdf},
ABSTRACT = {A critical aspect of the design for any large software system is its gross structure represented as a high-level organization of computational elements and interactions between those elements. Broadly speaking, this is the software architectural level of design. The structure of software has long been recognized as an important issue of concern. However, recently software architecture has begun to emerge as an explicit field of study for software engineering practitioners and researchers. Evidence of this trend is apparent in a large body of recent work in research such as module interface languages, domain specific architectures, architectural description languages, design patterns and handbooks, formal underpinnings for architectural design, and architectural design environments. This IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Special Issue on Software Architecture presents seven papers that illustrate many of these emerging research areas.},
KEYWORDS = {Software Architecture} }