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Publications of Simon Chu   Download bibtex file Order by:   Type | Year
<< 2024 >> TOP
Simon Chu, Justin Koe, David Garlan and Eunsuk Kang. Integrating Graceful Degradation and Recovery through Requirement-driven Adaptation. In Proc. the International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-managing Systems (SEAMS), 15-16 April 2024.
<< 2023 >> TOP
Simon Chu, Emma Shedden, Changjian Zhang, Rômulo Meira-Góes, Gabriel A. Moreno, David Garlan and Eunsuk Kang. Runtime Resolution of Feature Interactions through Adaptive Requirement Weakening. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, 15-16 May 2023.
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Last modified: Sat October 12 2019 16:15:32